Monday, September 27, 2010

More pictures

Photographing figures is at least as fun as painting them. Actually sometimes painting seems to be quite a chore, because I can't always get the result as good as I'd like get.

Anyway, getting good photos is also not too easy. Lighting got be just right, in order not to get soo much shadows there. This time I put the figs on the table sideways without bases. That way I could get the slot texts visible. Sometimes they offer valuable information for getting the data right.

More photos in the album

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Happened since last post: moved to new apartment in Käpylä and being passive paintwise since that. Today I painted some figures after almost 1,5 years of inactivity!

I had somehow hard to get my "painting corner" ready, but now it's almost ok.

I took some pics of goblin fanatics I received from eBay and also of Wilhelm Chaney, the Werewolf Bloodbowler. I am not exactly sure what are those goblins, but I am going to look up. They are Citadel, anyway. (Or Marauder.) I am quite sure I got more fanatics than these four, but I got so many boxes of figs, since the move, that I haven't been able to unpack everything as I don't have enough room! What a problem is that...(?)

Anyway, my plan is to sort 'em out to different categories and then photograph and eventually paint them. Well, this is more like "my dream." But, main thing is to progress! (To positive direction, I hope.)

I subscribed to a few miniature newsletters in Yahoo Groups. "Ralparthaminis" seem to be quite active group.

Yeah, hey, they are these: Those are produced approximately 1992.

More precisely, the pictures goblins are Night Goblin Clubber 1, Night Goblin Ball and Chain Fanatic 5, Night Goblin Ball and Chain Fanatic 1 (I think) with missing ball and the fourth one is not actually in the same advert as those, hmmmm... Well, hope he will show up in other ad.

Oh yeah, the missing one is here with the rest of the gang too: It's the Clubber 4.

The designs of goblins have changed a lot actually since those. The newer GW goblins got more "nasty" faces and longer chains.

Btw, it seems nowadays there are a lot of plastic miniatures, expecially the armies for Warhammer Fantasy Battle and 40000, and I don't like that all. New metal minis have gotten really expensive. It's ridiculous to pay like 15 euros for a single figure. One shopkeeper tried to defend the plastic ones by saying that they are more easy to convert, but come on! Plastic as a figure material is inferior to metal in all areas. There is only the price which would justify them. Luckily I got hoards of metal minis from 80's and 90's and more is easily acquired through eBay, if needed...

Here is one pic of my night goblins:

As you see, one of the got already some paint. This is condition that I they were when I got them. After that pic I painted the other clubber with green base paint. Take a look of backside of them (and my other pics as well.)

Here is Wilhelm Chaney with basecoat and highlighted fur.

I chose to use brown as a basecoat. That way I don't have to paint the fur separately. :-) Picture shows the he's got some paint chipped off, leaving metal showing underneath. Camera is clearly more perceptive that my eyes. Got to take care of that fur. I painted the base in my old apartment 1,5 years ago, so that's why he's already a bit rugged.